2013 And Beyond


It is officially 2013! I really can't believe that we've gotten to 2013. New year, new me, right? Well, maybe. I really doubt I'll follow through with my resolutions. Changing yourself so suddenly is so difficult and there are SO many things I would like to change about myself. Following is my list of resolutions that I hope to be able to follow through with.

-Drink more water (I have realized that I only drink about a cup of water or so a day.)
-Stop playing with my hair (I have been doing this for about four years now and have decided to break the habit.)
-Stop eating so much sugar (I eat about the equivilant of a meal most days in sugar.)
-Write a lot more (I have fallen out of the habit of writing every night and really need to write more so that my ideas stop pestering me.)
-Spend more time with friends (Because I tend to just keep to myself outside of school)
-Keep my room clean (It was a disaster until I cleaned it up yesterday)
-Stay off the internet (Who am I kidding? That's a whole year of commitment in itself.)

So as you an see, I have a lot of things I want to change about myself. If I just think about it for a couple more minutes, I'm sure I would be able to come up with a million more. Sadly, trying to change everything about myself is just... too hard. I really wish I was more tenatious when it comes to changing myself and getting myself into better habits. Maybe that should be something I work on next year....

But enough about the new year! I have book updates! You might not like them though.... Oh well, I shall tell you anyway.

I am SO close to finishing Somewhere In Heaven. In  fact, I only have one more scene to write for it (maybe two). Only problem is that because I am so close, I'm starting to get frustrated at myself because I am so close but yet so far. Why cant I just get off the stupid internet for an hour a day and write? Sigh. Maybe in a couple weeks (Hopefully one because I know that all it will take to finish is about 5k more words and I can crank that out in about 3 or 4 days) I will be able to read through it and revise it, change a couple things about it and then send it in to an agent! I'm so excited for that fact and use that as my drive to finish.

Also, in the idea that I will need to read through the book and edit it, sometimes, I chose random places and read through a bit of what I wrote a while ago. While I'm reading, all I can think is, I don't remember writing this.... Wow, that was actually pretty good.... Did I actually write that? Oh my god, what was I thinking when I was writing that? So as you can see, I never actually remember what I wrote. I might remember the basic plot but when it comes to details, I know nada, rien, nothing. The only place where I remember ANY details is the first 10 or so pages. In a way, that's actually a good thing because I'll be able to look at the book with new eyes and be able to look at it in the eyes of the reader. Bad side is that I have no idea what I'm getting myself into. But if I wrote it, it must be good, right? Right....

Well, anyway, I hope you all have a great begining to your year. I should really get to finishing my book so I'm going to sign off. Good night all.
